Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy Birthday Kelly!

We had a nice day today We woke up not knowing if we were heded south or not, due to hurricane Vance. Turns out the Haha organizers leaned to the safety first side of things. This gave us the opportuntity to celebrate Kely's bithday in style; chimichangas on a hill top, overlooking the bay..and out boat :)

We will see what tomorrow holds for weather..  Headed back to the boat where no doubt Monty has wondered if we have abandoned him forever....


  1. Happy birthday, Kelly! Miss you guys!!

  2. Hi Sophie - Mary Tian is my Chinese name, but you know me as Miss Olson. Not sure this will go through, as the last one didn't, so I'll just say I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip.
