Friday, March 13, 2015


  Today I will be doing an entry on my astronomy studies. I think the best part of astronomy is identifying the stars. Here is a  list of the stars and constellations I have found:
1) Sirius (star)
2) Capella (star)
3) The North Star
4) The Big Dog (constellation)
5) The Water Snake (constellation)
6) Orion (constellation)
7) Gemini twins (constellation)
8) Pollux
9) Castor (star)
10) Betelgeuse (star)
11) Rigel (star)

I know I have seen many more stars and constellations than that but I'm not aware of the names. One night I even saw Venus, Mars, and a crescent moon all together. This rarely happens so it was quite the honor to see it!
  Now I will tell you about the moon. The moon is a very interesting piece of cheese. O, my bad, the moon is a very interesting piece of rock, not cheese. The moon has seas and oceans, craters and landing sites. First you have the seas and oceans. I know, I know, there's no water on the moon (or any other planet, or so we think). But these aren't water spots, they're large dark dots that look like seas from Earth. Here is a list of the seas:

1) Sea of Rains
2) Sea of Serenity
3) Sea of Tranquility
4) Sea of Crisis
5) Ocean of Storms

   Next are the craters. "You can make a crater by dropping a stone in a sand box", says my astronomy book. They are extremely large divots in the moon. Here are the names:

1) Tycho Crater
2) Copernicus Crater

   Then there are the landing sites. There's not much to them, they’re just the places where Apollo 11-17 landed from 7/20/68 to 12/11/72.
   So there's my astronomy update, thanks for reading.
                           Friday, January 30, 2015

               Up-dated Thursday, March 5, 2015

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